To know more about and remember
oThe modern understanding of Psychoanalytic Therapy
oThe contribution of Psychoanalysis to all the other Therapies
oIts Key Concepts
oApplying it for Groups
oDoing Individual and Group Counseling
Modern Psychoanalysis
oGoal is to restructure the Client’s Character and Personality System (Corey, 2008)
oThough we interested to see the historical antecedents of current behavior, we need to weave back and forth between the past and present. (Locke, 1961)
oWe need to focus on the unconscious meanings in the ‘here & now’ before attempting to reconstruct the past (Kernberg, 1997)
The contribution of Psychoanalysis to the other Therapeutic approaches
Key Concepts
oInfluence of the Past
oThe Unconscious
oEgo-Defense Mechanisms
Acronym: I UAE RTC
The influence of the Past
oFirst 5-6 Years
oExploring the Childhood
oPitfalls of getting lost in the past
The Unconscious
oThoughts, feelings, motives, impulses, and events that are kept out of our awareness as a Protection of Anxiety.
oEveryday life is often determined by unconscious motives and needs.
oThus “the shadow of the past hunts the Present”
oChoices are not ‘freely’ made.
oConsciousness is only a small part of the human experience like Iceberg.
oIt is the feeling of dread and impending doom that results from repressed feelings. Memories, desires and experience bubbling to the surface of the awareness.
oIt is triggered by the environment or within individual
oTo cope with anxiety, we look for Defense Mechanisms
Defense Mechanisms
oThey protect ego from threatening thoughts and feelings.
oThey are one way of maintaining a personal adequacy
oNot essentially pathological
oThey operate outside one’s consciousness
oE.g. Repression, Denial, Regression, Projection, Displacement, Reaction formation, Rationalization.
oIs defined as the individual’s reluctance to bring into conscious awareness threatening unconscious material that has been previously repressed or denied.
oThe defense of the Defense
oe.g. Showing distrust
Exhibiting an exaggerated need to help others
Behaving uncooperatively
Maintaining an attitude of Indifference
A basic concept of Psychoanalytic approach involves
oUnconscious repetitions of the past in the present
oClients’ unconscious shifting to the therapist or to others in case of groups
oFeelings, attitudes and fantasies that stem from the reactions to significant persons from clients’ past.
oUnresolved conflicts that keep the person fixated and make full emotional growth impossible
oConsists of a therapist’s unconscious emotional responses to the client.
oEven destroying objectivity
oStems by the Unresolved conflicts of the Therapist.
oTherapists have to be aware of their unresolved conflicts
Therapeutic Techniques and Procedures
oFree Association
oDream Analysis
oInsight and working through
Free Association
oCommunicating whatever comes to mind regardless of how painful, illogical or irrelevant it may seem
nFree group Association
n Go- around Technique
oFree to respond to each other
ne.g. interpreting the Dream of a group member by everyone.
oIt encourages being spontaneous and uncovering unconscious processes leading to the insights of the Psychodynamics of group members.
oUsed in the analysis of free associations, dreams, resistances and transference feelings.
oWell timed and accurate interpretations help clients to gain insights
oClients may become resistant.
oInterpretations can better be presented n form of Hypotheses.
oShould begin from the surface and can go deeper.
oIt’s best to point out a form of Defense or resistance before interpretation.
oEncourage the members of the group to make interpretations.
Dream Analysis
oThe Royal Road to the Unconscious.
oCan be shared in the Groups to investigate the unresolved problems behind it.
oMembers are encouraged to do free association and then interpretations.
nManifest Content
nLatent Content
Insight and working through
oInsight - Awareness of the causes of one’s present difficulties.
oCognitive and Emotional Awareness of the connection of the past experience to the present problems.
oNewer Connections are formed and new perspective to life starts
Insight and working through
oWorking Through involves repeating interpretations and overcoming resistance thereby, dissolve the dysfunctional patterns that originated in Childhood and make choices based on the new insights.
oA Long Commitment
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